The Billable Hour Ethos
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Billable Hour Ethos

Working in a billable hour model warps your view of time.

We already get so much messaging about time and productivity before we even make it to the practice of law. (How old do you think you were the first time you heard “Time is money”?)

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How You Think About Hard Things
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

How You Think About Hard Things

"You will never change the fact that being human is hard [sometimes], so you must change your idea that it was ever supposed to be easy [all the time]." Glennon Doyle, Untamed

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Top Tip for Managing Up
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Top Tip for Managing Up

When it comes to managing up as a law firm associate, here’s one of my top tips: Err on the side of communicating more than you think is necessary

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Time Management Techniques Aren’t Enough
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Time Management Techniques Aren’t Enough

All the time management techniques in the world — no matter how good you get at them — aren’t going to help you feel good about your time without an accompanying shift in some of your current beliefs. 

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Shame and self-judgment are pretty shitty motivators.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Shame and self-judgment are pretty shitty motivators.

Because the action you take is actually fueled by you trying to escape the shame and self-judgment. Usually by trying to achieve your way out of it. By getting the promotion. The new job. The title. The degrees. The relationship. The body. The habit streak. 

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Let’s talk about that to-do list.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Let’s talk about that to-do list.

It’s Monday. Are you putting together an overly ambitious to-do list that you inevitably aren’t going to complete? So that you can then beat yourself up about it? 

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Imposterisms and Women Lawyers (plus a free webinar)
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Imposterisms and Women Lawyers (plus a free webinar)

Experiencing self-doubt and imposterims is a common human experience. There's no need to pathologize it,* and there's nothing wrong with you.

But if you find yourself having more of those feelings than you'd like, there’s a good reason.

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Which Truth or Narrative Serves You Best?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Which Truth or Narrative Serves You Best?

For any given an external circumstance, there are multiple ways we can view the facts of that circumstance.

And unfortunately, our brain is often choosing a perspective or a view that doesn't really serve us.

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A life change shift in the way you relate to other people.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

A life change shift in the way you relate to other people.

You may be familiar with the quote “Stop expecting you from other people.” I can't figure out who exactly it originated from, but it’s a great one.

There’s an additional important component to this idea that you have to wrap your head around if you want to truly reduce the negative emotion and brain drama you have around the way other people show up.

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I used to think my anxiety was bad.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

I used to think my anxiety was bad.

Not just that it felt bad or that I experienced a lot of it. Both of which were true. 

But that it was in fact bad. And so was I. It was a problem that I experienced it all. And useless. And disruptive. And it meant something about me as a person that I was anxious so much. And I should be able to handle it better. None of which made me feel less anxious.

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Are you willing to be wrong?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Are you willing to be wrong?

I know, I know. Gross right? Plus, if you’re anything like me, you’re probably never wrong, so this question is hard to wrap your head around. 

All kidding aside though. Are you willing to be wrong?

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