Are you willing to be wrong?

I know, I know. Gross right? Plus, if you’re anything like me, you’re probably never wrong, so this question is hard to wrap your head around. 

All kidding aside though. 

Are you willing to be wrong? 

About yourself. Your limiting beliefs. Your potential. Your abilities.

Who you think you are. What you think is available to you. What you think you are capable of.

Your capacity to change. Grow. Thrive. Evolve. Your depth. 

Are you willing to let go of who you think you are to grow into the next version of yourself?

The human brain loves to conserve energy. It loves to avoid pain and negative emotion. It loves comfort. So it hates change. It does not care that you live an amazing life. It doesn’t care if you are fulfilled or satisfied or full of joy. So it offers you thoughts that keep you stagnant. That maintain the status quo.

Everything you want - even if you don’t know what that is just yet - is on the other side of:

“That’s just who I am.”

“That’s just the way things are.”

“I don’t know how.”

“I can’t.”

“It’s too hard.”

“I’ve never done it before.”

“What if I fail?”

“What will they think?”

“It’s too risky.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“I’m not smart enough.”

“Yes, but…”

A life that you love is fully available to you. You just have to be willing to be wrong about yourself.

Doubt your doubts before you doubt yourself. 

What are you willing to be wrong about? Where have you been wrong about yourself before in the best way possible?


I used to think my anxiety was bad.


Women and Weaponized Gratitude