Do you actually want to? Or do you just think you should?

Do you actually want to do it or do you just think you should? 

There’s a huge difference between truly wanting to do something and only believing that you should do it.

Notice where you are telling yourself that you want to do something, but you aren’t actually doing it.

Do you actually want to do it?

Or do you just think you should?

For whatever the reason. Because someone else is doing it. Because someone told you should. Because you worried about what other people will think or feel. Because you will feel ashamed or guilty if you don’t do it. Because it’s some idea you unconsciously picked up from somewhere and adopted it as your own. 

Women spend an awful lot of time telling themselves they should do things they don’t actually want to do. They all typically boil down to the same reasons - we believe that our worth is based on what other people think of us, that we need to prioritize everyone around us over ourselves, and that we are never enough just as we are. Because that’s what we’ve been told. 

That’s 100% incorrect. But it feels very true.

The first step to untangling that is awareness. Asking yourself these kinds of questions:

Do you actually want to do it?

Or do you just think you should?

And if you think you should, why? 

Now for the most important question: Do you like your reasons?

Sitting with that answer is likely to start to create some shifts for you.

A ❤️ note to you: If you’re really ready to start doing more of what you want with less guilt and anxiety, I can help you get there faster. Sign up for a free call with me at On the call, we will (1) assess where you are now and where you want to be, (2) I’ll tell you how coaching can help get you there, and (3) you’ll decide whether you’re ready to move forward with changing your life.


Self-Advocacy Part 1


Your discomfort with doing something has no bearing on how good you are at it.