Working with a difficult partner? Gross.

Maybe they…

🤢 Micromanage everything you do

😡 Ignore you completely even when there are decision to be made above your paygrade

🧐 Give you illegible handwritten comments to implement

🤯 Rewrite things they wrote while criticizing you for the language they changed

🙄 Never say “thank you”

😫 Set unreasonable deadlines

😵 Email you at 11pm and expect responses

😤 Incessantly nitpick your work

😭 Wait until the last second to assign you projects

😟 Never give you feedback until they say something negative on your annual review

I know you have a specific partner in mind… And I know you have a few more things you’d add to this list… 

One option, of course, is to leave. Sometimes that’s the exact right option for you.

Often though, that’s not the best, easiest, or quickest option. So I’m going to help you feel better and more empowered without having to leave and without needing that partner to change one bit. So that you can exercise more control over your emotional experience and your actions. 

Join me for a free webinar - part of my Survival School for Associates series:

Managing Up 

Tuesday March 12 at 1pm EST

Register to attend or to get the replay: 

P.S. I in no way approve of or condone the kind of behavior above… I’d prefer it never happened. But it unfortunately does and so most associates experience it at some point. Even though we can’t control their behavior,  you always get to decide how you want to show up in that situation, and I want to help you make that decision more intentional. 


The Billable Hour Ethos


How You Think About Hard Things