What if maybe… just maybe… you’re good at your job?

This one is for all the associates who are always, often, or regularly underwater. The ones who have a ton of work all the time. 

And yet somehow still think they're not good at their jobs. 

📢 If you were truly bad at your job, you wouldn't have so much work. 

I know you want to object. 

You want to tell me why both can be true. 

But it isn’t logical. 

It just doesn’t make sense that people would continue to give you more and more work. 

I don’t expect you’re going to read this and immediately decide that you’re actually good at what you do. 

But I want you to really question the belief that you aren’t. That’s how you dismantle a current belief that isn’t serving you. Start questioning it - even just a little bit. Every chance you get.

One way to create some curiosity is to practice one of these thoughts as often as you can:

“It’s possible I’m not bad at my job.”

“It’s possible I’m okay at my job.”

“It’s possible I’m good at my job sometimes.”

Whichever one feels the most believable, i.e., whichever one feels best in your body and like you have the least mental resistance to it. 

✨Put it on the background of your phone and your laptop. 

✨Leave it on a Post-it note on your computer screen.

✨Make it the password to login to your computer. 

✨Set a daily alarm or reminder on your phone.

✨Journal about it every day, few times a week - why is it possible? What evidence do you already have?

✨Turn into a song to sing to yourself

When you believe you are bad at your job, your brain constantly scans for AND EVEN CREATES evidence to confirm that belief. You’ve got to get it looking for contradictory evidence intentionally. It’s one surefire way to start creating a new (and much more helpful) belief about yourself. 

A ❤️ note to you: You can definitely do this on your own. But this is what coaching is all about. Dismantling and changing the beliefs you have that are negatively impacting the way you think about yourself, feel, and show up. Having a dedicated space and a dedicated guide to helping you dismantle and change your heavily ingrained helps you get there faster. To get started, send me an email (jenn@jenndealcoaching.com) or book a free call with me at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult.


Perfectionism is the antithesis of excellence.


Imposterisms and Women Lawyers (plus a free webinar)