When Your Billable Work Is Slow
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

When Your Billable Work Is Slow

Has your billable work slowed down? Are you starting to feel a little anxious? Maybe a lot anxious? (If you’re fine now, but you know this feeling all too well, keep reading…)

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The Truth About Feelings and Truth
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Truth About Feelings and Truth

The strength of your feelings has nothing to do with how true your thought is.

The strength reflects the level of your belief in the thought. Your level of attachment to that thought.

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Some Things Don’t Have to be so Hard
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Some Things Don’t Have to be so Hard

"This is going to be hard.”

“This is going to be complicated.”

“This is going to be a lot of work.”

These used to be some of my go-to thoughts about anything new, especially anything new at work.

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Chasing the “Best” Version of Yourself
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Chasing the “Best” Version of Yourself

We all have seasons in our lives where we don’t think we are doing our “best.”

Where we compare the current version of us to some past version of us that was doing “better.”

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For my overachievers…
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

For my overachievers…

Where are my overachievers at?

A question for you: How selective are you about when you overachieve?

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Why won’t other people just behave the way we want?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Why won’t other people just behave the way we want?

So much of our everyday frustration comes from expecting people to be different than they are. To act differently than they do.

If only they would behave the way we wanted, then we would feel better.

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You are not your negative feelings.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

You are not your negative feelings.

You are not your negative feelings.

You are not anxious. You FEEL anxious.

You are not an anxious person. You are a person who feels anxious sometimes.

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Hard work vs. overwork - What’s your distinction?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Hard work vs. overwork - What’s your distinction?

Working hard and overworking aren’t the same. I’m sure you know that intellectually. But trying to do the former and not the latter can sometimes feel like a tightrope walk over a canyon with no safety net. 

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Saying “No” at Work
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Saying “No” at Work

If you Google “how to say no at work,” there’s no shortage of ways to phrase your “no.”

But I’m guessing that’s not really your problem.

It isn’t WHAT to say. It’s HOW to make yourself say anything at all.

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Fear Masked as Confusion
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Fear Masked as Confusion

When we have decisions we need or want to make, confusion can often be a cover up for fear.

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The Impact of Cognitive Biases
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Impact of Cognitive Biases

Cognitive biases are happening in your brain all the time. Especially if you aren’t paying attention to what is going on in there. 

A cognitive bias is a systematic error in your thinking. It happens when you are processing and interpreting the world around you.  

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The Way You Think About Yourself
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Way You Think About Yourself

Imagine if you gave the same amount of air time to things you love about yourself as you do …

what negative thing you think other people are thinking about you, what you don’t like about yourself, that thing you said that you wish you hadn’t, that decision you made that you think was terrible, and all the ways you think you should be showing up differently than you are.

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