Some people aren’t going to like it when you say “no.”
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Some people aren’t going to like it when you say “no.”

I won’t pretend that your boss, manager, supervisor, colleague, or client is going to love it when you say “no.” Especially if they are used to you saying “yes” all the time.

They might not. Some definitely won’t. 

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The Problem with Positive Affirmations
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Problem with Positive Affirmations

They don’t always work. In fact, they rarely work. Not on the big stuff at least. Those limiting beliefs you’ve had for a very long time.

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Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal


We ignore what we want, because we don't think we can have it. And so we don't allow ourselves to want it. But when you don't allow yourself to want something, your brain can't figure out how to get it.

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Procrastination + Survival School for Associates Webinar
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Procrastination + Survival School for Associates Webinar

Procrastination is a totally normal human behavior. But procrastination often gets in the way of us managing our calendars and to-do lists the way that we want. So you might want to do less of it.

If so, you’ve got to understand what’s happening in your head and how to shift it.

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Progress is messy.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Progress is messy.

Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes progress.

Seems obvious I know.

But deep down, so many women I know are still hoping that perfect exists. If they just try hard enough. Or if they were just trying harder. 

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Resisting What Is
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Resisting What Is

The gap between “should” and reality is where so much of our negative emotion lives.

Frustration. Resentment. Sadness. Guilt. Shame. Self-righteousness. Embarrassment. Anger. Annoyance. Disappointment.

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Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal


If you delegate work, and you don't get what you want back as work product, try starting by assuming that you are part of the problem. 

One thing I see people struggle with when they start to delegate is that they subconsciously expect people to work the same way that they do or subconsciously expect them to be a mind reader. 

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When Partners Make Annoying Requests
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

When Partners Make Annoying Requests

Hi associates—

Partners are inevitably going to ask you to do things that they could have easily done themselves.

And let's be honest… you’re probably going to do them.

(It’s always an option not to, of course, but I’m guessing that’s not the option you’re going to choose.).

So you have one of two alternatives.

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All Lawyers Make Mistakes
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

All Lawyers Make Mistakes

Mistakes can either add to your confidence or detract from it. 

The difference is in the way you talk to yourself about them.

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Survival School for Associates
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Survival School for Associates

Attn: Associates and Incoming Associates

Law school does not teach you the soft skills you need to survive being an associate.

It doesn’t teach you…

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What if it isn’t the hard work?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

What if it isn’t the hard work?

If you had to pick THE thing that has gotten you to where you are – that has contributed to your success, what would it be?

Did you say hard work?

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The Sunday Scaries
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Sunday Scaries

What if you believed with every fiber of your being that the Sunday Scaries were 100% inevitable? 

That no matter how much you loved your job, it was just a fact of life that on some Sundays you have to feel some anxiety or dread about Monday.

How would that impact your experience of the Sunday Scaries?

Hear me out.

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Stop Weaponizing Your To-Do List
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Stop Weaponizing Your To-Do List

A to-do list is supposed to be helpful. Not something you create, and then use against yourself.

Here’s how I see it going:

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