What happened to your “no”?
I bet there was a time where you were good at saying “no.”
Where “no” was a complete sentence.
For most women, you were probably a kid the last time “no” felt really comfortable.
And you were probably pretty good at saying it.
No, I don’t like that.
No, I don’t want to do that.
No, I won’t.
Before the world told you that your productivity dictated your value as a human being. Before the world told you that you needed to follow the rules in order to be liked or loved. Before the world told you that you should be nice and accommodating and prioritize other people before yourself. Before the world told you that the most important thing about you was what other people thought of you.
But somewhere along the way “no” got hard.
Especially at work.
So you don’t do it.
You just keep saying “yes.”
Even when you don’t realize that’s what you are doing.
Which leads to you overworking. And taking on projects, roles, or work that you hate. Working with people you don’t like. Creating false deadlines and urgency for yourself. Not doing your best work because you took on too much. Hating your job. Questioning whether you’re cut out for it. Being miserable.
We can fix that.
You can become a person who says “no” to things that don’t serve you and “yes” to yourself and the life you want to create.
A ❤️ note to you: If you know this is your work, and you want 1:1 help and accountability - send me an email (jenn@jenndealcoaching.com) or sign up for free call with me at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult to get started. I love helping my clients get really good at saying “no.” And they get really good at it.