Curious What It Looks Like to Work with Me?
Read more about what my client had to say about working with me.
What are you solving for?
I used to spend a lot of my time trying to solve for the wrong problem. Instead of figuring out how to solve my actual problem, I was focused on “solving for” (i.e., getting rid of) the emotion I was feeling.
The Overachieving On and Off Switch
Where are my overachievers at?
A question for you: How selective are you about when you overachieve?
Why Actions Alone Won’t Get You Ahead: The Case for Self-Promotion at Work
Women are often taught to keep their heads down and let their work speak for itself, but in the workplace, that approach rarely leads to recognition or advancement. This post explores how self-promotion and advocating for your accomplishments can help you take up space, combat systemic biases, and create opportunities for growth.
Break Free from the To-Do List Trap: Redefining Productivity for Lawyers
One common way you might be setting yourself up for stress and guilt? Expecting to finish every single item on your to-do list each day.
Working hard and overworking are not the same.
I’m sure you know that intellectually. But trying to do the former and not the latter can sometimes feel like a tightrope walk over a canyon with no safety net.
Too Much and Not Enough
How many times have you come up with a long list of all the things you want to change about your life? About you?
How to Say No at Work
If you Google “how to say no at work,” there’s no shortage of ways to phrase or frame a “no.” But I’m guessing that’s not really your problem.
Sometimes Your Brain Isn’t Helpful
Cognitive biases are happening in your brain all the time.
Especially if you aren’t paying attention to what is going on in there.
A Nasty Habit
I developed a nasty habit in law school.
When I knew there was a goal I had to meet - like exams or a paper or the bar - I would …
Should you ditch the positive affirmations?
The problem with positive affirmations...
They don’t always work. In fact, they rarely work. Not on the big stuff at least. Those limiting beliefs you’ve had for a very long time.
Please stop doing this one thing.
If I could get you to do just one thing to make you feel less stressed about how much is on your plate, it would be this:
Perfectionism + Overachieving
Perfectionism + overachieving = an untenable combo.
Let me tell you why.
It’s a trap!
We are a society obsessed with productivity.
It is often how we measure our own worth. Even if we don’t realize that’s what we are doing.
Want to be indispensable at work? Think again.
The advice I gave to my first official associate mentee? “You are dispensable here.”
She was a little taken aback at first, but eventually, she told me it was the best piece of advice that I gave her.
Arbitrary Deadlines - Part 2
I don’t expect there is an associate out there who hasn’t had or won’t have the experience of being given an arbitrary and/or unreasonable deadline by a partner. More than once.