You need rest.

All humans do. 

Preferably on a consistent basis. The kind of rest you need is up to you. And it isn’t always going to be the same. 








The one thing these kinds of rest all have in common is that rest will never feel restful if your brain gets in the way. 

And there are so many ways your brain gets in the way:

▫️ Telling you rest has to be earned or you haven’t done enough or you don’t have time to rest.

▫️ Constantly thinking about all the things you have to do while you’re trying to rest.

▫️ Creating anxiety over the fact that you’re not checking your email. 

▫️ Judging you for not working harder.

▫️ Offering you guilt for taking time for yourself.

▫️ Worrying about what other people are thinking about you resting. 

▫️ Calling you lazy. 

▫️ Finding other things to do instead of intentionally building in rest.

▫️ Ignoring your need to rest when you’re putting together your schedule. 

The list goes on. 

Learning to rest necessarily involves addressing what is happening in your brain and your body. Otherwise rest will remain elusive. 

What kind of rest do you need right now? What’s standing in the way? 

A ❤️ note to you:  If saying resting feels so hard that you just never do it, I can help you change that.  Send me an email ( or signup for a call at 


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