Do you procrastinate at bedtime?
Finding any excuse not to go to sleep.
Laundry. Social media. YouTube. Reading. Cleaning something.
I used to do this ALL. THE. TIME. I still do it sometimes. In fact, I’ve found myself doing it a lot recently.
Back when I originally saw myself doing it, I knew it was only benefiting me negatively, but I didn’t understand why I was doing it until I really started paying attention to it.
And then I realized I was most often doing it Sunday through Thursday.
And what I recognized was that it was one of two things or sometimes a combination of both.
First, I was ALWAYS dreading the next work day. So, illogically, of course, my brain was like, “the longer we stay up, the longer we postpone tomorrow.”
Second, it was because I didn't feel like I had control over my day. I didn’t believe that my time was my own. So I was trying to maintain some semblance of control.
But of course, this was all to my own detriment, right? It didn’t change anything about the next day. It didn’t result in me taking control over my time.
It just ended with me being tired. And repeating the cycle.
I didn’t know it had a name - but apparently it’s called “revenge bedtime procrastination.”
Basically your brain is acting like a toddler, trying to get revenge for not having enough free time or for having to live a life you don't like by reclaiming time at the end of the day.
In true toddler temper tantrum fashion, the result is not great. The only person who is feeling the effects of your revenge is you.
So if you are someone who also procrastinates at bedtime, I want you to start examining why.
If it's because you dread the next day, you can change that.
If it's because you don't believe that you have control over your time, you can change that.
You're the only one that can create a life that you want.
You are the only one that can choose how you spend your time.
But first you have to notice the messages your brain is sending you that show you the thought pattern that you're currently stuck in.
I’ve noticed I started doing it again recently. Because even though I love this new life I’ve created for myself and all the free time I have, I’ve gotten in a bit of a rut. Not creating anything during my days to look forward to. I’m on a mission in July to change that by being more intentional about my days.
Are you a revenge bedtime procrastinator? Why? What message is your brain trying to tell you?
A ❤️ note to you: Once you figure out the why, the hard part comes next. Changing your life. That’s where I can help. I can help you figure out what it is about your life that you are dreading and that you don’t love and what you want it to look like instead. Then we figure out why you haven’t made those changes yet, what the obstacles are going to be, and how to overcome them. If you’re interested in hearing more, sign up for a free consult with me to learn what coaching is all about: