Decisionmaking Obstacle No. 5: Needing More Time or Info to Be Certain
You don’t actually need any time or information to make a decision or to be certain about a decision.
In fact, there inevitably comes a point where more of both lead to the opposite: Feeling unsure. Feeling confused. Feeling anxious.
There’s nothing wrong with making informed decisions. I’m a big fan of it.
But we can use the “need” for more time and more information to avoid making a decision.
The thinking switches to overthinking. The researching and crowd-sourcing opinions becomes evasion.
You can usually tell when you’ve hit that point.
You want more time and information because you want certainty. You want a guarantee that your decision will work out.
The problem is that real certainty isn’t ever guaranteed.
Not making the decision doesn’t guarantee certainty. (The only thing it guarantees is that someone or something else will make the decision for you.)
Making the decision doesn’t guarantee certainty. (The only thing it guarantees is more information and the opportunity for clarity.)
But you don’t really need certainty.
What you need is self-trust, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.
To trust yourself to handle any outcome of the decision and whatever discomfort it brings.
To accept or love yourself no matter the outcome.
To give yourself grace if the decision doesn’t turn out the way you wanted.
The fear over a lack of certainty is really a fear of how you will feel if the decision doesn’t turn out the way you want it to.
And the way you feel comes from the way you talk to yourself and what you choose to think about your decision.
That is completely within your control. You can decide to be certain about that.
So make the decision. Take some action. And decide to have your own back no matter what.
Some questions for you when you feel like you’re using more time and more information to avoid making a decision:
🔹What is my indecision protecting me from potentially feeling? What is my indecision protecting me from potentially thinking about myself?
🔹What if I can handle any outcome here? What would that look like?
🔹How do I want to treat myself if the decision doesn’t turn out the way I wanted?
🔹On a scale of 1-10, how certain am I about the decision I want to make? What if that’s as certain as I’ll ever be? Am I willing to make the decision and take action? Why or why not?
A ❤️ note to you: Got a big decision you’re facing? Just generally wish you were more decisive? Let’s do something about it. I help my clients learn how to make faster decisions, with less drama, guilt, overwhelm, and anxiety. Send me an email or schedule a free call with me at to get started.