Decisionmaking Obstacle No. 4: Fear of Missing Out
But I don’t want to miss out!
It makes sense that FOMO can lead or contribute to indecision. We always want to make the “best” choice, and we wish we could do all the things.
But we can’t.
And you’re always “missing out” on something.
Anytime we choose to do anything (regardless of whether that choice is intentional or unintentional), we are choosing to do it in lieu of something else.
In fact, being indecisive also causes you to miss out. Missing out on or delaying whatever the result of the decision is we aren’t making.
We are even missing out on opportunities all the time that we didn’t know existed!
The real problem is when we define it as “missing out.”
When you think, “I’m missing out,” how does that make you feel?
Regretful? Maybe anxious? Afraid? Sad?
And from that place of regret, anxiety, fear, or sadness, how do you show up?
Spinning in indecision?
Ruminating about the “missed opportunity”?
Berating yourself for making the wrong choice?
Thinking about what might have been if you’d made the other decision?
The result is that we find more evidence that we are missing out.
We actually create the experience of missing out for ourselves.
We create the regret, anxiety, fear, or sadness, and we stay in it.
The ironic part about it is that we also end up missing out on the present moment.
If FOMO is an obstacle for you, remember, nothing has gone wrong.
You’re just a human being with a human brain experiencing human thoughts and feelings.
Of course, you’re going to feel FOMO from time to time.
No judgment needed.
Just curiosity.
Some questions for you the next time you’re in FOMO-mode:
▫️What exactly are you afraid of missing out on?
▫️Why do you consider it “missing out?” How else could you frame it?
▫️What do you stand to gain by making a choice?
▫️If you did the thing you are going to miss out on, how would you get to feel?
▫️What can you think or do to create that feeling for yourself right now?
▫️What option or action most aligns with your current priorities?
▫️What gets you closer to the life you want to lead?
▫️What would your future self thank you for doing?
A ❤️ note to you: Got a big decision you’re facing? Just generally wish you were more decisive? Let’s do something about it. I help my clients learn how to make faster decisions, with less drama, guilt, overwhelm, and anxiety. Send me an email or schedule a free call with me at to get started.