What Does It Mean to be a Team Player?

Early on in my career, I strived to be a team player. It was regularly part of the positive reviews I got. 

As I got more senior, I valued working with more junior people I considered team players. It was regularly part of the positive reviews I gave. 

It’s still something I value about myself and that I value in people I work with.

But at some point, I realized I didn’t love all parts of my definition of “team player.”

I liked these parts:

▫️Being collaborative

▫️Contributing to the success of the team

▫️Being reliable, responsible, and accountable

▫️Taking ownership over my work and my matters

▫️Helping people when they needed it and getting help when I needed it

I didn’t like these parts:

▫️Always overcommitting - feeling the need to take on too much work and being overly accommodating

▫️Feeling hesitant to speak up when I disagreed with other team members or had a different perspective.

▫️Feeling resentful for carrying more than my fair share of the workload

▫️Struggling to delegate because I felt guilt or thought no one could do it as well

▫️Judging other people who set boundaries or turned down work as “not a team player”

▫️Expecting other people to work the same way I did and as hard and often as I did

That’s the problem with labels. 

Sometimes, when the label sounds good, on its face, we don’t take a closer look at how we are showing up because of that label we’ve adopted or what assumptions we are making in connection with that label.

I still value being a team player. I still value others who are team players. But I have to pay close attention to what behaviors I’m including in that definition.

Are you a team player? Do you like your definition? All of it? Or are there parts you’d like to cut? 

A ❤️ note to you: If you consider yourself a team player, but you also experience a lot of exhaustion, overwhelm, anxiety, or resentment, let’s chat. We can get to the bottom of what it truly means to you to be a team player and make plan for how you can start showing up in line with that definition. Send me an email or sign up for a free call with me at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult.    


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