But What If It Is?
You know that voice in your head that tells you “This isn’t for me”?
And not in an “I don’t like this or want this” kind of way.
But in an “I’m not good enough” kind of way. An “I can’t do that” kind of way. A “that will never work” kind of way.
Ask yourself this: “But what if it is?”
A question that loosens your grip on your perceived limitations.
A question that creates just enough curiosity in your brain for it to look for evidence of possibility rather than impossibility.
A question that creates space where none existed before.
A simple question that can propel you towards a life you could have never imagined.
“This isn’t for me.” —> But what if it is? How could it be?
“I can’t do that.” —> But what if you could? How would you?
“It won’t work.” —> But what if it did? How would it?
“That’s impossible.” —> But what if it weren’t? How could you make it possible?
We spend so much time in our brains fighting FOR our limitations. Fighting for what our brain incorrectly perceives as safe (i.e., maintaining the status quo). Fighting for stasis.
Trying to avoid disappointment. Or fear. Or doubt.
Because that’s what brains do when left to their own devices.
What if we spent a little more time fighting for our expansion? Fighting for our growth? Fighting for our dreams?
What if that thing, that goal, that job, that life … actually is for you?
What if it is just waiting for you to see the possibility?
Waiting for you to build the belief in that possibility?
Waiting for you to create the inevitability?
What if it’s just waiting for you?
A ❤️ note to you: Need help expanding what you think is for you? What you think is possible for you? I can help. I see endless possibilities for you. You can borrow my belief. My curiosity. My commitment to you living the life you want. Send me an email (jenn@jenndeaalcoaching.com) or sign up for a free call with me to get started creating a career and life you love at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult.