Indecision Fatigue

You are probably familiar with decision fatigue.

In a nutshell, the idea is that the more decisions you make, the worse your decisionmaking gets. In particular, over the course of 24 hours, people make worse and worse decisions.

But what about INDECISION fatigue?

You know those unmade decisions that spin in the back of your mind.

The ones where you are constantly weighing the pros and cons.

Mulling it over.

Seeking more information.

Doing more research.

Getting the opinions of others.


Waiting until you become more certain.

Believing that if you just had more information or just waited a little longer you would become more certain about that decision.

Decisions like:

🔹Whether to leave your job.

🔹Whether to change careers entirely. 

🔹Whether to ask for or take the promotion.

🔹What school your child should go to.

🔹Whether you should get divorced.

🔹Where to live.

🔹Whether to renovate your house.

🔹What car, tv, house, or computer to buy.

🔹What to have for lunch.

🔹What your workout schedule should look like.

🔹Whether you should say “yes” or “no” to whatever. 

🔹How you want to manage your time. 

🔹Whether to have a difficult conversation. 

These unmade decisions take up brain space.

To me, indecision fatigue is more exhausting than decision fatigue.

It keeps you stuck. It keeps you from living the life you want.

Here are the top things I see people struggling with when making decisions:

1️⃣ Fear of making the wrong decision

2️⃣ Worrying about other people’s feelings

3️⃣ Fear of being judged

4️⃣ Thinking time will lead to certainty

5️⃣ Fear of missing out

6️⃣ Fear of wasting time and money

7️⃣ Lack of clarity over the results you want

8️⃣ Unwillingness to feel certain emotions

Which one hits home the most for you?

Stick around. I’m going to tackle each of these obstacles, so you can start being more decisive.

A ❤️ note to you: Got a big decision you’re facing? Just generally wish you were more decisive?  Let’s do something about it. I help my clients learn how to make faster decisions, with less drama, guilt, overwhelm, and anxiety. Send me an email or schedule a free call with me at to get started.


Decisionmaking Obstacle No. 1: What if I make the wrong decision?


Ease in to Advocating for Yourself at Work.