Busy Happens in Your Brain

Busy isn’t a state of being. It’s a mindset.

Typically, the more busy you think you are and the more often you think about how busy you are, the busier your mind gets.

And the more overwhelmed, anxious, and or stressed you feel.

And the less capable you are of constraining, pulling back, focusing, being productive, or relaxing.

But not because of the amount of things on your calendar. Instead, it’s your thoughts about those things.

I bet you’ve had the same amount of things on your plate (or even more) at other times in your life, but you didn’t feel as overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed about it. 

Because busy is a thought.

We also really like to tell ourselves and other people how busy we are.

There’s a little bit of pride that can come with talking about how busy we are. It only last a second.

Then it can quickly backfire if telling yourself or others how busy you are creates a sense of overwhelm or anxiety or stress.

We’ve been taught to believe that busy is a good thing. That it has some moral value.

It doesn’t.

It isn’t good or bad.

And when you let go of that belief, that being busy means something about you, you can be more intentional about how much you are doing and why.

In the end, you have to decide for yourself what busy means to you, whether you like being busy and under what circumstances, and whether it helps to tell yourself how busy you are.

A ❤️ note to you: If you don’t know how to stop being busy or you don’t know how to make being busy feel better, I’ve got you. You can learn to do both. To get started, send me an email (jenn@jenndealcoaching.com) or sign up for a free consult at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult. We can chat about your schedule, how it feels, and come up with a plan to get you feeling better about it and in it.


Stop Weaponizing Your To-Do List


The Time is Now.