The different versions of you.

Everyone you know has a different version of you in their head.

They created it.

And it isn’t your responsibility.

You are absolutely responsible for how you show up in the world.

But you can’t control other people’s opinions of you.

You can’t control how they see you, what they think of you, or their expectations of you.

You can’t prevent them from thinking you are too much, too loud, too assertive, too smart, too pushy, too needy, too whatever.

You can’t prevent them from thinking you are not enough, too quiet, not strong enough, not smart enough, too passive, too aloof.

They choose what to think about you. Consciously or not.

And you can’t truly control any of it. You may have some influence, but the ultimate control is theirs.  

And it really has nothing to do with you.

They are making their decisions based on their brain, their experiences, their social conditioning, their beliefs, their own self judgment.

Just like the version of other people you’ve created in your mind is not a reflection of them. It is a reflection of you.

One reason we don’t go out and do big things or take risks or do the things we love is because we are worried about what people might think.

So we change our behavior in an effort to control what they think.

But it’s just an illusion of control.

One that often keeps you playing small.

Doing things you don’t want.

Against your best interest.

Counter to your dreams, wants, and needs.

Here’s what matters:

What is your opinion of you?

What do you think of you?

That’s what’s within your control.

That's where your power is.


Redefining “Success”


You didn’t stand a chance.