Embracing Autonomy: The Power of Choosing Your Path, Even If It Means Quitting or Taking the “Easy” Road

You don’t always have to do the hard thing.

You don’t ever have to do the hard thing.

You don’t always have to do the thing that will bring you the most growth.

You don’t ever have to do the thing that will bring you the most growth.

You can quit whatever you want whenever you want.

For any reason.

Sometimes you’re going to want to choose the hard thing or the thing that will bring the most growth.

But you don’t have to.

And it doesn’t mean anything about you as a person if you choose not to.

You always get to pick and choose where you spend your mental energy and your time.

You always get to decide what serves you and what doesn’t anymore.

And there is no wrong choice.

There’s just whatever you decide.

A ♥️ note to you: I’m a quitter. I didn’t used to be. Now I quit shit all the time. And I love helping people quit things they hate or that no longer serve them. Especially if you think you can’t or you shouldn’t. Whether that’s a job. Or a marriage. Or a conversation you keep having with your mom. Or a habit you don’t like. Or overworking. Or people pleasing and putting yourself last. Or things you’re just tolerating that don’t light you up. Let me help you quit. Send me a DM or sign up for a free consult at the Linktree link in my bio. We will talk about what you want to quit, what’s holding you back, and how you become a quitter.


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