Objective Facts vs. Story

There are objective facts about you that could be written down on a piece of paper. 

Put into a resumé or a bio.

And there are so many different narratives that could be crafted from those facts.

You could completely ignore some. Give extra weight to others. Filter them through a myriad of different lenses. Create multiple competing stories. 

All from that same set of facts.

And that’s exactly what we do. About ourselves. About others.

And everyone is going to create their own narrative about you as they filter those facts through their own lens, beliefs, biases, etc.

But the only narrative that you can control is yours. It’s often the one that impacts us the most.

But many of us default to the narrative that says we aren’t good enough. That we are a fraud. That we only got to where we are because we work hard and are lucky. That we have to be better or different. Etc. (And for good reason. That’s the regular messaging we often get from the world around us.)

Instead of intentionally crafting one that actually serves us. 

Learn to do the latter and everything else flows from there. 

The ability to create a safe space for yourself inside your own head. To motivate yourself with love, compassion, and desire rather than shame and judgment. To recognize your own worth. To get better and better at lawyering. To do something totally new if you want to. To do hard things. To challenge yourself knowing you have your own back no matter what happens. To rest and relax and find joy in more spaces and places. To not let mistakes devastate you. To quit things that no longer served you. To say “no” more often. And so much more. 

What story do you tell yourself? Is there a better one you can craft from the facts?

A ❤️ note to you: Many people seek out coaching because they want to fix something about themselves that they think is broken or deficient or not good enough. And I will help you make any change you want, if you truly want to. But along the way, we are going to ditch the idea that you are broken or deficient or less than or lacking or a fraud - or whatever your story is. Because if that’s your story, it will likely always be your story no matter how many goals you reach or new things you learn how to do. To get started changing your story, send me a DM or sign up for a free call with me at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult.


“I’m lazy” is a thought. Not a fact.


Resentment and Envy