How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 3)

“Laziness” is a powerful self-preservation tool.


Next time you tell yourself you are being lazy or that you should be doing more, check in with your body.


What is your body telling you?


What does your body need?


Is your body trying to tell you to rest?


That you are close to, at, or past your limit?


If you still find that you are struggling not to do all the things or struggling to let yourself rest, even when your body is sending you messages, try these questions:


-What emotion am I trying to avoid by telling myself to be more productive?

 -What will I be forced to feel if I have some downtime?

 -What will I be forced to feel if I don’t do anything more than exactly what I’ve done [today/this week/this month/this year]?


Part of being human is trying to avoid negative emotions.


We often try to stay busy and avoid resting to avoid the shame or guilt of being “lazy” or “unproductive.” In other words, the guilt or shame that comes when we tell ourselves we are lazy or unproductive.


To act our way out of negative emotions. To avoid being alone with our own thoughts.


But if you want to learn to rest… If you want to learn how to leave work at work… If you want to learn how to do things just for you and no one else…


You have to let it feel terrible.


If it feels terrible, you’re doing it right. It almost always feels terrible when you are learning how to do something new.


And for many of us, resting is new. And uncomfortable.


Leaving work at work is new. And uncomfortable.


Doing what we want instead of what we think we should do is new. And uncomfortable.

Saying no is new. And uncomfortable.

Prioritizing ourselves, our wants, our pleasure, and our joy is new. And uncomfortable.

That’s okay.

Let the negative emotion - the guilt, the anxiety, the shame, the overwhelm - be there but don’t let it drive.


*It’s only a problem in the sense that you are telling yourself it is - i.e., you are telling yourself that you are lazy or unproductive and making that a referendum on your worth as a human being. By solving it, I mean how to stop trying to motivate yourself with shame and guilt.

A ❤️ note to you: You don’t have to keep any of your current beliefs about laziness or productivity if you don’t want to. If they aren’t serving you (and I bet they aren’t). If they aren’t helping you create a life that you want and love. You can learn to think about yourself and your value in a completely different way. And still get plenty of stuff done if you want to. I can help. Send me a DM or hop on a free call with me to hear how:


How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 4)


How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 2)