How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 2)

Baby steps to change your thoughts.


For most of us, it is going to be way too much of a leap to go from “I’m lazy” or “I didn’t get enough done” or “I should be doing more” to “I’m worthy no matter how productive I am” or “I always do enough.”


In fact, if you try and practice a thought that you really don’t believe yet - it can actually result in reaffirming the thought you are trying to change. Confirmation bias at play.

So start with something you can believe. Or something that creates curiosity. Or that takes you out of the equation and focuses on the issue more generally. 

These will have your brain looking for and creating different evidence than what it is looking for and creating now (which is evidence that proves you are lazy or unproductive).


“Human beings can have value even if they are not always being productive.”


“I’m open to believing that I’m not lazy.”


“What if it’s true that rest doesn’t have to be earned?”


“I’m open to believing that rest might allow me to show up better/in the way that I want/to be more productive.”


“Human beings need to rest sometimes.”

“Laziness isn’t a fact.”

“Enough is subjective.”

Pick one. Or create your own.


Practice it. Say it out loud. Write it down. Journal about it.


Every day.


Any chance you get.


Every time your current negative belief pops up.


Until it becomes a default thought. Until you start to see the way you’re showing up in the world change and your perspective of your own productivity change.


Then move on to the next thought. The one you can’t currently wrap your head around but that you want to believe:


“I love myself no matter how productive I am.”


“My productivity has no impact on my value.”


“I don’t have to earn rest.”


“My purpose in life is not to always be doing something productive.”


But be patient.


Your current beliefs about laziness and productivity are so practiced they are automatic.


It takes time to build new neural pathways.


But there’s so much more freedom on the other side.


What thought are you going to start practicing?


*It’s only a problem in the sense that you are telling yourself it is - i.e., you are telling yourself that you are lazy or unproductive and making that a referendum on your worth as a human being. By solving it, I mean how to stop trying to motivate yourself with shame and guilt.

A ❤️ note to you: You don’t have to keep any of your current beliefs about laziness or productivity if you don’t want to. If they aren’t serving you (and I bet they aren’t). If they aren’t helping you create a life that you want and love. You can learn to think about yourself and your value in a completely different way. And still get plenty of stuff done if you want to. I can help. Send me an email ( or hop on a free call with me to hear how:


How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 3)


How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 1)