On “feeling” ready.
Ready isn’t a feeling.
Ready is a thought.
To be more exact, “I’m ready” is a thought. So is “I’m not ready.” And “I should wait until I’m ready.”
A decision. To be ready or not.
If you’re anything like me, you often put things off because you don’t “feel” ready.
Here’s the thing.
It’s going to be a very rare occasion that your risk-averse brain lets you believe the thought that you are 100% ready for something.
To do the big things.
The things that scare you.
The things that challenge you.
The things that will change your life.
You’re going to have some anxiety. And some fear. And some overwhelm.
And you interpret that as not being ready. But those things aren’t actually correlated. Having those emotions happens whether you’re ready or not because you’re human.
So if you wait until you “feel” ready, you’re going to be waiting forever.
If you wait for 100% belief to magically appear, you’re going to be waiting forever.
You’re never going to make the decision.
You’re never going to do the thing.
So let go of the idea that you have to feel ready or believe you are ready.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Get comfortable with other people’s discomfort.
Get comfortable with having a beginner’s mind.
I want you to think right now about something you’ve been putting off because you don’t think you’re ready. Now think about just one action you can take right now to move toward that discomfort. To move toward getting the thing done.
1% belief in your readiness all you need to start taking action towards something.
You don’t truly know what you can do until you do it. And then suddenly, you are someone who did the thing.
Building belief in your readiness along the way.
But really - you were ready all along.
What is something you’ve done when you didn’t believe you were ready that turned out better than you expected?
A ❤️ note to you: I’m here to help you do both. And to do the third step. Actually create a life that feels better. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re at the mercy of the billable hour. I also know you can make it feel better. Not perfect. It will never feel perfect. You will always be a human being with the full panoply of human emotions. But if you want to start feeling better now, I can help.
I have TWO spots open for my 1:1 coaching program this summer. September always feels like a fresh start to me. Maybe because it used to be the beginning of a new school year. What if by the time that fresh start rolled around this fall you were already well under way on making your work life feel better? How much fresher would it feel?
To get started on the freshest of fresh starts, send me an email (jenn@jenndealcoaching.com) that says TELL ME MORE or sign up for a free call with me at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult.