The Busy Olympics

Have you ever engaged in the game of one upping someone about how busy you are? Also known as the “Busy Olympics.”

I definitely used to be up for a couple of rounds of this.

The problem is that there are no real winners.

At best, the only prize is momentary satisfaction.

Then right back to the overwhelm. And the exhaustion.

Here’s the thing about being constantly busy. Or at least telling yourself you are.

It’s a great distraction. Or a good numbing agent.

To keep you from having to take a close look at your life. And seeing what you don’t like. Or what you are tolerating that could be so much better. Or where you are putting yourself, your goals, your dreams, your growth, your pleasure, your joy, your emotions last.

To keep you from having to feel negative feelings.

From having to be with yourself and your thoughts about yourself.

Slowing down can feel scary if some part of you knows that you’re not going to like what you find.

But you can’t change something until you look at it.

And the busyness only works for so long.

The thing you are avoiding will get louder.

It will eventually make you stop and pay attention.

If you find yourself being busy all the time, ask yourself this. Am I avoiding something? If so, what am I avoiding? What is the busyness distracting me from?

A ❤️ note to you: The thing I love most about coaching is that it is a built in slow down. Taking one hour a week for yourself to really examine your life, to understand why it is how it is, to decide how you want it to look differently, and to figure out how to make that happen. If it sounds like something you want in your life, send me an email ( or sign up for a free call with me at Let’s chat.


Unreasonable and Arbitrary Deadlines


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