Getting Clear on What You Can and Can’t Control
There were parts of BigLaw that I loved.
There were parts that I didn’t love.
Some of what I didn’t love I didn’t have any control over.
But a good portion of what I didn’t love was entirely in my control.
Some of what I didn’t love I was actually creating by not exercising that control.
I could control:
▫️ The way that I thought about and talked to myself
▫️ The way I thought about my job and the people I interacted with
▫️ How much work I was willing to accept and the type of work I was willing to do
▫️ Whether I set boundaries
▫️ What I was willing to ask for
▫️ What I was willing to say “yes” or “no” to
▫️ How and how much I was willing to show up for myself
▫️ What I was willing to prioritize
▫️ How I reacted to the world around me
▫️ What my values were and whether I showed up aligned with those
▫️ What relationships I valued and cultivated and how
▫️ How I defined success
Once I learned how to distinguish between those things, to start exerting more control where I could, and to accept the things I couldn’t, my entire experience of my career changed. It became something I knew was sustainable and that I would enjoy for as long as I chose to enjoy it.
Yours can too. I can help.
And like me, you may still ultimately decide that it isn’t for you even though it could be sustainable and enjoyable. Because you want something else. Something that’s even better for you.
A ❤️ note to you: Let’s get started making you feel better. More in control. More confident. Calmer. Less anxious and overwhelmed. Just send me an email ( or sign up for a free call with me at, and I’ll tell you how we can make that happen together.