Don’t underestimate the power of the “small” decisions.
We all love to make these big ambitious goals. We love to focus on (and sometimes fret about) the big life changing decisions.
But the wins start in the decisions to do one (seemingly) small thing differently.
The decisions to:
Get your coffee before you check your email
Say no to one project, when you usually say “yes” to everything.
Bail on that bar event that isn’t serving you.
Close your laptop earlier one night a week.
Do 10 minutes of yoga even when your brain is telling you both that it isn’t enough and that you don’t have time
Delegate one thing that you normally would have just done yourself because “its easier”
Take one thing off your overly ambitious to-do list
Say one nice thing to yourself when you otherwise wouldn’t
Ask for a small thing that you want
Do something you said you would do
Remind yourself “I choose to do this” instead of “I have to”
Block off 30 minutes of time once a day on your calendar to do deep work
Turn off your email notifications
Do that two-minute task you’ve been dreading
Pausing where you would normally just react
I know us high achievers love that go big or go home mentality. But that mentality, especially when you sprinkle perfectionism on top, often leads to no changes. Just some shame and frustration.
The small decisions that move you towards the life you want are where the wins are. They are where progress starts. They are what will start to make you feel better. They are the decisions that will carry you closer to that end goal. And they have a snowball effect! Not only do they build self-trust, but they build momentum. An object in motion stays in motion and all that.
What are some small decisions you’ve made that have paid dividends?
Want help changing your life? Sign up for a free call with me at On the call, we will (1) talk about the changes you want to see in your life, (2) I’ll tell you how coaching can help you make them, and (3) you’ll decide whether you’re ready to move forward with changing your life.