Wait, wait, wait… How did I get here?
It’s not unusual to get to a point where you realize your job or career is just happening to you.
You’ve had your head down, working hard, just trying to make it through the days and weeks.
Then you start saying things to yourself like:
How did I end up here?
This isn’t what I thought it was going to be.
Is this as good as it gets?
Is this even what I want?
I don’t have any other options.
That line of thinking can make you feel powerless and trapped. Which often leads to not making any changes. To burnout, dread, anxiety, and overwhelm.
You end up abdicating your power to your job.
It’s not that you don’t have any power though. You just aren’t exercising it.
If this resonates, there are so many ways you can start making small shifts that add up to a completely different emotional experience. A completely different day-to-day experience. Change in the right direction.
Some ideas:
Reconnect with your values and goals: Take some time to reflect on what's important to you and what you hope to achieve in your career. It may not be the same as it was when you started out. Once you’ve done that, what needs to change to get in alignment with those values and goals? Start making changes one by one.
Focus on what you can control: It's easy to feel overwhelmed or frustrated by the things that are outside of your control, such as organizational policies and politics, supervisors, colleagues, clients, trends in your industry, or the job market. Instead of focusing on these external factors, focus on the things that you can control, such as your own mindset, work habits, and actions.
Identify areas for growth: It’s possible that you aren’t being challenged enough or that your professional growth has stalled or that you are bored with what you are currently doing. Where can you add or take advantage of some opportunities for growth and development?
Build in time for rest: It’s hard to get unstuck when you are going full speed all. the. time. Start building in some intentional slow downs. Create the space you need to assess your life.
Build relationships and community: When we are overworking, we neglect our need for human connection. Where can you build in more meaningful connection?
Ask yourself this: If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about your current job, what would it be? Then, answer this → How can I make that happen without a magic wand?
Get coached. I know what it is like to look up and feel lost about where you are and how you got there. Getting coached helped me make significant changes to the way my life looked and felt (and those tools are still helping me do that every single day).
How are you feeling about your job and your life right now?
A ♥️ note for you: You don’t have to go at this alone. I love working with people to make their careers feel better - including everything on the list above and more. Sign up for a free call with me at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult. On the call, we will (1) talk about the changes you want to see in your life, (2) I’ll tell you how coaching can help you make them, and (3) you’ll decide whether you’re ready to move forward with changing your life.