What’s the cost of your negative self-talk?
I want you to think about one of your most practiced negative thoughts about yourself.
“I don't belong.”
“I'm not good enough.”
“I'm not lovable.”
“I'm not good at X.”
“I'm too loud.”
“I’m too quiet.”
“I'm not smart enough.”
“I’m awkward.”
“I’m lazy.”
“I’m only here because I worked hard and got lucky.”
“They have something I don’t.”
Then I want you to think about the costs of that thought.
The time you’ve spent thinking it.
The way you’ve felt because of it.
The mental energy you’ve expended finding evidence to support it.
The opportunities that you have missed or haven't taken advantage of because of that thought.
The way it has impacted your relationships, including with yourself.
The money you’ve left on the table because of that thought.
The life you’ve left on the table because of that thought.
Now imagine someone came up to you and added all of those costs together…
And offered to sell you that thought again for the same price.
Would you buy it?
Because if you wouldn't, then maybe it’s time to start changing that thought.
Otherwise, you're going to keep spending and spending at the same cost to yourself.
And I can pretty much guarantee you that thought wasn’t ever yours to begin with.
It isn’t a truth about you as a human being.
It is a story that was given to you.
By your parents or your family.
By society.
By a teacher.
By a tv show or a movie or a book or a magazine.
You didn’t choose it.
It was given to you, even if not intentionally, and you are the one having to pay for it.
The worst kind of automatically renewing subscription.
When are you going to cancel it?
▫️What’s one thought or story about yourself that you’d like to change?▫️
A ❤️ note to you:
You can absolutely change that thought. And you can absolutely change it on your own. But if you don’t know where to start or want help getting there faster, that’s what I do with my clients every day. Figure out what the thought is, see how it’s impacting them and what it is costing them, and how to shift it. Send me a n email (jenn@jenndealcoaching.com) or sign up for a free call with me at jenndealcoaching.as.me/consult.