Anxiety and intuition are not the same.

But we can get them confused. 

Because sometimes the thing we are anxious about does happen. (As a good friend of mine said recently,  if you assume the worst often enough, it’s bound to happen.)

Which reinforces the mistaken belief that our anxiety is predictive and useful. 

So how do you know which one it is? 

Anxiety feels frantic, loud, and repetitive. Intuition feels slow, quiet, and calm.

Anxiety creates an urge to act quickly or escape. Intuition creates an urge to make slow grounded decisions and take slow grounded actions. 

Anxiety creates panic. Intuition relieves it. 

Anxiety focuses on the future and the unknown. Intuition focuses on the present and facts. 

Anxiety manifests as black-and-white thinking. Intuition manifests as curiosity. 

Anxiety silences intuition. Intuition quiets anxiety.  

Some questions to help you out next time you’re wondering whether it is anxiety or intuition:

▫️ What are the facts here?

▫️ What are my thoughts about those facts?

▫️ When I think those thoughts, how does it feel in my body?

▫️ Is there an urge to respond or act? If so, respond and act how?

▫️ Do I like that response?

▫️ If not, how do I want to think and feel instead? How do I want to respond instead?

▫️ What do I need to think to feel trusting? 

▫️ What would I do if I trusted myself to handle whatever comes next?

A ❤️ note to you: Women are socialized not to trust themselves. Women also learn to be extremely hard on themselves. And when we don’t think we can trust ourselves and when we know we are going to beat ourselves up if we don’t make the “right” decision or we don’t show up in the “right” way, anxiety is going to prevail over intuition more often than not. Making decisions and showing up from our anxiety rarely serves us. If you’re ready to start trusting yourself more, having your own back more often, and talking to yourself in a more supportive way, I can help. Send me an email or sign up for a free call with me at, and I’ll tell you how. 


Confidence is a choice.


The Productivity Mindset