How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 2)
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

How to Solve Your Laziness or Productivity “Problem*” (Tip 2)

Baby steps to change your thoughts.

For most of us, it is going to be way too much of a leap to go from “I’m lazy” or “I didn’t get enough done” or “I should be doing more” to “I’m worthy no matter how productive I am” or “I always do enough.”

In fact, if you try and practice a thought that you really don’t believe yet - it can actually result in reaffirming the thought you are trying to change. Confirmation bias at play.

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On Laziness and Productivity.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

On Laziness and Productivity.

“I’m lazy” is a thought. Not a fact.

“I should be doing more” is a thought. Not a fact.

“I didn’t get enough done” is a thought. Not a fact.

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But What If It Is?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

But What If It Is?

You know that voice in your head that tells you “This isn’t for me”?

And not in an “I don’t like this or want this” kind of way.

But in an “I’m not good enough” kind of way. An “I can’t do that” kind of way. A “that will never work” kind of way.

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What Does It Mean to be a Team Player?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

What Does It Mean to be a Team Player?

Early on in my career, I strived to be a team player. It was regularly part of the positive reviews I got.

As I got more senior, I valued working with more junior people I considered team players. It was regularly part of the positive reviews I gave.

It’s still something I value about myself and that I value in people I work with.

But at some point, I realized I didn’t love all parts of my definition of “team player.”

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The Brain’s Negative Tendencies
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Brain’s Negative Tendencies

When our brains are left unchecked, they tend to skew to the negative.

First, there is the negativity bias.

Human brains are more likely to notice, remember, think about, and respond more strongly to negative events.

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Confidence is a choice.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Confidence is a choice.

Here’s what we tend to think confidence comes from: experience, innate talent, innate intelligence, or perfection.

Or some other quality or thing we think we don’t have or don’t have enough of yet.

But it’s none of those things.

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The Productivity Mindset
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

The Productivity Mindset

Most high-achieving women have a productivity mindset.

In short, we are socialized to believe that our worth and our success is tied up in how much we do, including in how much we do for other people and whether other people are pleased with what and how much we’ve done.

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“I’m not doing enough.”
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

“I’m not doing enough.”

This thought pops into my head all the time. Not as much as it used to thanks to all of my work on my productivity mindset. It’s still there though. Waiting in the background and biding its time. Ready to jump out at me and ruin my mood.

But here’s what I know. And what I always go back to.

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Where can you cultivate a paradox mindset?
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Where can you cultivate a paradox mindset?

The paradox approach switches our mindset from an “either/or” to a “both/and” or a “yes/and” or a “maybe/but” framing.

It allows you to acknowledge that some tension exists, for whatever reason, without limiting yourself with respect to what you have to think or believe, what your options are, and how you have to show up.

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“They are disrespecting my time.”
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

“They are disrespecting my time.”

I help women learn how to exercise more control over their calendars (i.e., time blocking, limiting email checking to certain times, setting boundaries, saying “no,” unraveling people pleasing and productivity mindset, etc.).

One of the biggest struggles I see? Other people are rarely, if ever, on board with that goal in the way we want them to be.

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Longer-Term Catastrophizing Work
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Longer-Term Catastrophizing Work

There are often patterns to your catastrophizing.

For instance, many of us catastrophize at work about either getting fired or people being mad at us or disappointed in us, but not much else.

Figure out what your patterns are. Then answer these questions:

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Catastrophizing Tips - Part 2
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Catastrophizing Tips - Part 2

Additional tips for when you are catastrophizing or spinning out in the worst case scenario:

Reframe the What Ifs

Focus on the Present

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Catastrophizing Tips - Part 1
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Catastrophizing Tips - Part 1

Switching from “I’m going to get fired” to “This is no big deal” simply doesn’t work.

Your brain is just going to say, “OF COURSE THIS IS A BIG DEAL,” and keep on keeping on.

But you can still use your prefrontal cortex to slow or stop the spin.

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