Spinning in the Worst Case Scenario - Catastrophizing
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Spinning in the Worst Case Scenario - Catastrophizing

Catastrophize: to imagine the worst possible outcome of an action or an event.

My lawyer brain LOVES to catastrophize. I’m really good at it. But it rarely serves me.

The same is true for you if you are a catastrophizer.

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Indecision Fatigue
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Indecision Fatigue

You are probably familiar with decision fatigue.

In a nutshell, the idea is that the more decisions you make, the worse your decisionmaking gets. In particular, over the course of 24 hours, people make worse and worse decisions.

But what about INDECISION fatigue?

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Ease in to Advocating for Yourself at Work.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Ease in to Advocating for Yourself at Work.

Self-advocacy in the workplace can be really uncomfortable for women.

Yesterday, I talked about why that is.

But if you want to advocate for yourself more often, you can both decrease your discomfort with it and expand your capacity for taking action despite your discomfort.

Here are some ways to get started:

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Why Self-Advocacy Feels Hard.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Why Self-Advocacy Feels Hard.

Most women will come to a point in their career where putting their head down and working hard just isn’t enough any more.

Where self-advocacy becomes necessary or important for you to get what you want.

Or at the very least, to know where you stand, so you can decide what to do next. Leave. Stay, try something different, and then ask again.

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When you’re in the “sometimes.”
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

When you’re in the “sometimes.”

I love this quote, but I think it needs some slight tweaks.

Because we have an enormous amount of control over our emotional experience.

Including whether we decide something is “hard.” “Hard” is a subjective thought.

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Working in a billable hour model warps your view of time.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Working in a billable hour model warps your view of time.

We already get so much messaging about time and productivity before we even make it to the practice of law. (How old do you think you were the first time you heard “Time is money”?)

We have been taught that our time is a commodity. One that should be traded or used in very specific ways. Traded for money. Traded for success. Traded for prestige. Used to add specific kinds of value to the world.

Then, if you become a lawyer who bills hours, you learn to further commodify your time into 6 minute increments.

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Sometimes the decision you need to make is deciding not to decide right now.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Sometimes the decision you need to make is deciding not to decide right now.

You can always take a decision off the table. Even if it’s just temporarily.

If you’re waiting on more information that hasn’t come yet...

If you don’t like the reasons you’re thinking about making a decision right now…

If you are constantly vacillating between the options…

Whatever the reason.

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Perfecting your time management skills isn’t the real answer.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Perfecting your time management skills isn’t the real answer.

Because all the time management techniques in the world — no matter how good you get at them — aren’t going to help you feel good about your time without an accompanying shift in some of your current beliefs.

The three most important ones are:

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Perfectionism is the antithesis of excellence.
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal Jennifer Fairbairn Deal

Perfectionism is the antithesis of excellence.

Perfectionism doesn’t allow for mistakes.

Perfectionism doesn’t create room for growth or learning.

Perfectionism leads to avoidance.

Perfectionism forces you to play small.

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